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Ways to Break a Bad Mood

Sep 28, 2021
Ways to Break a Bad Mood
Healthy ways to get back to you.

Ever had a bad day, been in a bad mood? Yes, it happens.

In her article, “14 Ways to Break a Bad Mood”, Elaine K. Howley quotes Jay Fournier, from Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus as saying, “Different people can mean different things when they say they’re in a ‘bad mood’. But the common thread is that these moods typically refer to some kind of negative emotional state.” The question is, are there ways we can manage these moods or even shake them off? The article suggest there are 14 ways to do this. We thought now would be a good time to introduce the subject with the holiday season soon approaching and the weather beginning to change. We hope you find helpful strategies for your daily life.

Read the full article here –